Also I got on the scales this morning and I'm actually getting a reading, I'm so happy for ages I've not been able to get a reading.. I can also buckle up my seatbelt now Thank you so much!! :-D
- Amy
Just got below the 100kgs I cant remember being there for a very long time so happy we crossed paths.
- VH
My wedding day was beautiful, I made it thru without any nerves at all I cant thank you enough. I really wouldnt have done it without your help xx
- Kelly
Just thought I would let you know I am going to have a tummy tuck as I have lost so much weight off my tummy its flopping everywhere.. Thankyou I could not have done it without you help
- Joan
My wife and I are both smoke free after nearly 3 years ..Thankyou so much.
ps. we are going on a holiday soon with the money I told you we would put in the tin ...Thank you again
- Dan
Shaun went on them 5 times with no luck. Went to you once and 2+ months later he still hasn't touched a cigarette! Thankyou so much linda!
- EC
Thanks heaps for this morning Lynda. It's still working LOL. xxx I think ?? is a bit bemused by it. I sat with him in his man cave when he came home and had a coffee and day debrief with him. He took a cigarette sat there holding it, waiting. I think he didn't want to smoke in front of me. So I said to him, ??? I don't smoke, so if you want to smoke it won't affect me. He did, it had no effect on me whatsoever. He said he didn't think it was a good idea for me to be around him when he smoked because I might be tempted. I said that no, I am not a smoker, so how can it tempt me. It's like I see people doing Triathlons, well I don't run and I don't swim and I don't ride a bike, so seeing people doing Triathlons doesn't tempt me to go out and do a Triathlon. I am not a Triathlete and I am not a smoker.
Thumbs up.
- CD
Hi Lynda, thank you SO much, I am cured!! The first day was weird, I kept looking at chocolates, cakes and sweet things, even tried to eat a biscuit but all I could manage was a few little nibbles before I put it down and gave up. Today I have had some dizzy spells which were fixed by eating a banana as my blood sugar is obviously not coping without all the sugar I was eating. Anyway no more sugary treats for me which I am sure will get rid of those extra kilos I want to get rid of. I will come and see you again to see what we can do with my fear of falling. Thank you again,
- B
I met …... at the Clipsal , he gave me your card and said you were awesome at stopping people from smoking .. Im so glad I came to see you Ive been smoke free for 6 months now
You would be so proud of me .. I didnt eat a thing on the way home . I chewed on a packet of chewing gum. Hows that first time EVER
i will be fine, im in a really good mindset at the moment! I believe I will get through this with the strength you have given me today!! I can take on the world!! (right now anyway!!! LOL )
- Marilyn
Cant believe Im actually up and raring to exercise ..I did not think I would ever feel like tis again ..My dog is even getting tired before me.
- SJ
I am now in a size 14 all the way down from a size 20 I am feeling fantastic .. I have never been able to get below 80kgs and I have now cracked 78 .. With 75 my goal for the new year..I could not have donr ir without you Lynda ...Thankyou .
- SA
Just a quick update for you...
My eating is going well I know I think to myself 'are you really hungry, do you really need that'. The other day I needed a pick me up looked in the fridge seen a can of coke thought 'yes that would do it... oh no it wont it will help for 5 minutes then you will be flat again and regretting that can of coke'. So I left it and went and played with my dogs with my water wow I felt good!
We are eating heaps of fruit and veg now. My fruit and veg bill has gone up on the markets on Saturdays however my normal woolies shop has drastically gone down!
- ME
Hi Lynda I got home and i watched that video on human anatomy that I could barely watch 5 minutes of before feeling sick and faint, I now watched the entire 49 minutes of it and felt only the slightest discomfort but it passed quickly. I am going to keep watching those documentaries and see how I feel but I am really confident I will be fine. Thank you heaps!
- Will
That's the truth. 15 kg dropped after hypnoband in 2014 and kept off for over a year. The hypno seems to have reset my 'hunger gene' so that I no longer think about or seek food constantly - just as research has shown happens when people have real lap band surgery. Now I get hunger signals andI eat when I'm hungry and don't over eat. I don't think 'emotional issues' was the problem in the first place.
- LJ
Hi Lynda, well it’s been 2 weeks since my appointment with you and I’m happy to say that I’ve only had chocolate 3 times 😃. To say I’m happy is an understatement, the thought hasn’t gone away but I’ve been able to stop myself from having it. THANK YOU so much, this is the first time I can see a future without 🍫.
Hi Linda 5 weeks 3 days now. Not had 1 cigarette. Doing quite well
- CJ
Hi Lynda, I just wanted to share this with you. I have just gotten through Easter without a single bit of chocolate. In fact I haven't had any since January 18th. To say I'm amazed at how much your therapy worked is an understatement. Over Easter I usually have to buy the kids Easter eggs a couple of times over because I kept eating them 😏. But the fact I haven't touched even a single bit and there is plenty in the house I am actually proud of myself for once. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Thankyou Lynda .. I have made it 8 months with no chocolate,
14 weeks and no cigarettes not even a craving Thank you
Lynda is amazing.
I immediately felt comfortable with her and in only 3 visits I have changed my lifestyle for the better.
I have had 4 sessions with Linda now for weight loss and pain management for my Endometriosis. I have lost 6.5 kgs, and my ongoing pain is gone! I am sleeping better, I'm more focused and back at the gym. I already have a better relationship with food, feel fantastic already, I have had a lifestyle change and am getting so many comments from family and friends at how much better I seem. Only 3mths ago I was tired, exhausted, making bad food choices and in constant pain. Linda thank you for helping me, you're amazing!
Hey, just wanted to say, I’m now 3yrs smoke free. I’m so happy I decided to give hypnosis a go. It was the best decision I made.
Thank you!
Hiya lovely! 1 year smoke free thanks to you! Your hypnosis just made it all so much easier, thank you endlessly.
Hiya Lynda!
Hope you & family are all well.
I called in for a visit with you Thurs evening 23rd July. I wanted to stop drinking alcohol during the week Mon – Thu after work.
Naturally I didn’t have a drink after your visit on that Thursday. Had a bit over the weekend.
Just filling you in that I haven’t missed a beat! Last week I went without Mon – Friday. Had some wine Sat & Sunday then straight back on track again last night.
I am pretty excited & if I let myself down I will be straight back visiting you.
I have a whole circle of friends that have gotten into the same rut. A male friend of mine has asked me for your contact number hoping to get similar results, so you might get a call from him soon?
Will keep you in touch
- J.
Hiya Lynda!
Hope you & family are all well.
I called in for a visit with you Thurs evening ?? July. I wanted to stop drinking alcohol during the week Mon – Thu after work.
Naturally I didn’t have a drink after your visit on that Thursday. Had a bit over the weekend.
Just filling you in that I haven’t missed a beat! I went without Mon – Friday. Had some wine Sat & Sunday then straight back on track again
I am pretty excited & if I let myself down I will be straight back visiting you.
I have a whole circle of friends that have gotten into the same rut. A male friend of mine has asked me for your contact number hoping to get similar results, so you might get a call from him soon? Will keep you in touch.
Lynda made me feel very relaxed and comfortable and helped me achieve my goal to quit smoking on the spot.
I highly recommend Inner Depths Hypnosis.
I'm the person that makes the excuses has no ime wants that quick fix and has tried all the diet pills on the market. I saw a Facebook post of the EMS machine and thought I've got nothing to lose. With only 5 sessions not only have I lost weight but feel stronger. Though out this period I have not done any other exercise or diet. But after seeing today's results it has only motivated me to try that little bit hard. Excited to see the full results in 2 to 3 mths. Thanks Lynda for everything and highly recommend giving the EMS Machine a go.
My partner used Lynda for quit smoking and 0MG it worked 20 years he has smoked and heavy a pack a day.. he walked into her office 4pm 10 days ago and hasn't had a smoke since!!!! Highly recommend and have passed her number onto friends and colleagues.
9 months on and my partner still smoke free. We have passed ur number onto our neighbour who visited you and quit smoking. We just had bubs and our doctor In lyell mac came back 3 days later just asked for your details also to quit . We are so thank full and spreading your amazing work .
Great way to start my week many thanks lovely lady xx i highly recommend Lynda, I was sceptical about hypnotherapy but wanted to give it a go. I have tried numerous diets etc to lose weigh over the past few years but with no success. so one day i saw her sign on north east road holden hill and decided i would contact her, best thing i have done! She made me feel comfortable and at ease. After my first session i felt great and in control now and had the positive mind set to do this with the help of and her tools. A few more sessions later and i am going strong i have lost weight, and am feeling great with my progress,) am in so much more control my eating and my attitude to food. Do yourself a favour contact lynda, you will not regret it she is amazing at she does.